Thursday, August 26, 2010

Why go "raw"?

So, now that you know what a raw food diet is about, you need to decide, is it right for you? Well you do not need to incorporate raw food 100% of the time. It is possible to just take in more fruit and veggies and no processed foods. Try drinking fruit drinks till lunchtime and then eating a healthy veggie sandwich. For dinner, take in some blanched vegetables with a cooked meal without meats.

For those that may find eating vegetables only rather difficult you might choose to consider smoothies. One great French article that have recently captured my attention is smoothies and may be worth having a look. When you gradually detoxify your system, you will notice dramatic results. First, you will go through the detoxify process, where you will feel worn out, have headaches, skin eruptions, etc.

Once you are over this tough time, you'll feel light, not dragged down, energetic, vitality, and conscious, amongst other things. You'll have more mental clearness and therefore become more productive. Your body will feel cleansed, you will be able to treat disease and prevent brand new ones from forming. You will see a dramatic weight loss, for example five pounds a week.

You'll also notice that you don't seem weighed down with colds or sicknesses as your disease fighting capability is much stronger. You'll be saving cash because you can either grow your vegetables or get them at a farmers market. Purchasing organic food will save the planet earth and provide agricultural support, which is much needed. You will also save money and time because you will not be in the kitchen cooking up a storm. You won't be consuming animals, because these animals are pumped with high hormones understanding that would not benefit you anyway, but instead toxify you.

Consequence this, ends the pain in animal farming. You will not be affected with depression, pimples, or acne. Actually, your skin will be completely glowing, you'll feel re-energized. This type of eating also slows the aging process. Your senses are going to be improved; you will end up more flexible and fertile. You will be more imaginative, motivated, as well as relaxed.

You will focus more about relationships and become more environmentally attuned and inwardly attuned. What you would notice is an amazing spiritual awakening which you have never encountered before because you have altered your vibrations to a higher-level capable of clearer thought patterns.

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