Monday, October 1, 2007

Survival Tips For Your Business

Whatever your business or specialism, whether you are in mail order, direct mail or a small or medium sized on or offline business, it is important to know the strategies for keeping your business alive so that your business survives economic recessions, peaks and troughs in market trends, external competition, changes in legislation. At any point where the cash flow in the business, whatever its size starts to diminish the money management of the business needs to be scrutinised and managed tightly. Whatever your structure it is essential to keep your hands on the wallet of your business!! Credit control is essential to the cash flow of the business and is often overlooked, many businesses concentrate in generating new sales which is great, but if there is no money in the pot to finance the man power, the purchases needed for the business, etc then the business will not survive for long, therefore it is a necessity to ensure that your customers are paying their accounts on time, if not, you need to speak with these people, and follow a strategy and Action plan to ensure that debts are paid to you in a timely manner. In order to survive with a small business, regardless of the economic climate, surround you with smart professionals and practise sound business management at all times.

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